Exam Results
Exam results are based on the number of correct answers (1 point per correct answer) you achieved on the operational (scored) questions on the exam. You are not penalized for incorrect answers.
In order to ensure fairness to all applicants taking the NPPE in different testing sessions, statistical equating is used to ensure that variations in exam difficulty from each session are taken into account. It is a statistical process by controlling the differences in difficulty between test forms, test scores can then be comparable on alternate test forms that are built to the same test specifications. ETS, one of the largest and well-respected testing organizations in the world, has published a report that explains test equating in more detail:
Each NPPE is scored with no predetermined percentage of candidates that should pass or fail. All exams are scored the same way. First-time takers and repeat takers are graded to the same standard.
Score Release Date
NPPE results are not available immediately after completion of the exam. Candidates will receive their pass/fail decision at least a week before the next registration deadline. Results will NOT be communicated over the phone or by email.
With the advent of computer-based testing, there will no longer be resources or manual inspections of candidate responses available as there are no paper answer sheets to inspect. Candidate exam responses are captured by the computer-based testing system and all data is processed with little to no manual intervention.